Using shared memory access (SMA) with Universal Cache
To use SMA with Universal Cache, you need to start a SMA server and enable a local SMA connection between the IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® instance and the SMA server.
Before you begin
For SMA connections, the solidDB® server and the IBM InfoSphere CDC replication engine must be located on the same node.
1 Check that the location of the SMA driver library is included in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH or LIBPATH (Linux and UNIX) or PATH (Windows) environment variable.
For details, see “Configuring your environment for SMA use with Java” in the solidDB® Shared Memory Access and Linked Library Access User Guide.
2 Create a symbolic link for the SMA driver library (ssolidsma70), without the file type extension, in the <solidDB® installation directory>/bin directory.
For example in Linux operating systems, use the following command:
ln -s ssolidsma70
3 Start the SMA server by entering the command solidsma at the command prompt.
4 Configure the IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® instance to use an SMA connection when connecting to the solidDB® server.
Use the IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® configuration tool (dmconfigurets) to enable the SMA connection.
Enabling SMA connections with dmconfigurets
When you select Enable SMA, the solidDB® connection property solid_shared_memory=yes is added to the connect string.
Linux and UNIX
1 Select the Single server configuration type.
2 For the Enable SMA option, type y, and then press Enter.
In the Server area of the New instance or Edit instance dialog, select the Enable SMA check box.