Universal Cache User Guide : Performance tuning and monitoring : Monitoring performance
Monitoring performance
The Management Console “Monitoring” and “Statistics” views can be used for collecting performance statistics on the subscriptions. The solidDB® performance counters provide performance data on the solidDB® cache database.
Monitoring performance in the Management Console
The Management Console can collect statistics on latency, throughput, and the number and size of the replication operations. The statistics can be viewed in Management Console or saved and exported in .csv format. You can also set latency notifications and thresholds.
Monitoring solidDB® frontend performance
solidDB® provides a number of performance counters that are specific to the use of the solidDB® server with the IBM InfoSphere CDC technology:
Counters with the variable name starting with “Logreader”
For example, “Logreader commits sent” tracks the number of commits sent to the IBM InfoSphere CDC instance per second.
TS applied transactions
The TS applied transactions counter tracks the number of transactions applied into the server by IBM InfoSphere CDC instance when solidDB® is a target datastore.
For a detailed list of the solidDB® performance counters and how to use them, see section “Monitoring solidDB®” in the solidDB® Administrator Guide.
See also
Performance tuning and monitoring