Universal Cache User Guide : SQL passthrough : Configuring and using SQL passthrough : Tracing and monitoring SQL passthrough
Tracing and monitoring SQL passthrough
The solidDB® server provides means for tracing and monitoring the status of SQL passthrough.
ADMIN COMMAND 'trace { on | off |} passthrough'
The ADMIN COMMAND ’trace on passthrough’ provides tracing information about the SQL passthrough connections and the loading of the ODBC driver.
Loading of the ODBC driver: the driver name and status of the load
Status of connections to the backend: connect/reconnect/disconnect/broken
ADMIN COMMAND 'passthrough status'
The ADMIN COMMAND ’passthrough status’ provides status information about the SQL passthrough connections:
NO REMOTE SERVER - no remote server object defined
NOT CONNECTED - not connected, no errors
CONNECTED - connected
LOGIN FAILED - failed at login
CONNECTION BROKEN - connection broken
ADMIN COMMAND ’passthrough status’;
-- ----
Performance counters
The following performance counters provide information about the SQL passthrough connections and statements.
Perfmon Variable
Passthru open connections
Number of SQL passthrough connections to backend
Passthru open statements
Number of prepared statements to backend
Passthru reads
Number of executed read-type statements that return rows (for example, SELECT statements)
Passthru non reads
Number of executed write-type statements that return rows (for example, INSERT statements)
Passthru commits
Number of committed statements
Passthru rollbacks
Number of rollback statements
Passthru result cnv
Number of fetched (read) rows for which conversion between backend and solidDB® data types have been performed. For example, conversion is needed if the data type in backend is CHAR(5) and VARCHAR in solidDB®.
Passthru param cnv
Number of statements for which conversion between statement parameters have been performed
Passthru failures
Number of statements that could not be prepared in backend
Passthru reprepared
Number of statements that have been reprepared because write-type statements other that INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE have been executed in the backend. Repreparation is needed in such cases to ensure that the table definitions have not been changed, which in turn would cause errors with the prepared statements.
For details on how to use the performance counters, see “Monitoring solidDB®” in the solidDB® Administrator Guide.
See also
Configuring and using SQL passthrough