Universal Cache User Guide : Tools and utilities : Perl automation framework
Perl automation framework
The Perl automation framework provides a variety of Perl-based sample scripts and library modules for automating installation, configuration, and subscription handling tasks in Linux and Windows environments.
The Perl automation framework is available in the <IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® installation directory>\samples\ucautomation directory.
include – Perl modules
perldoc – Perl documentation (PODs) on each library module
samples – Sample scripts for creating and controlling subscriptions between two solidDB® instances and between solidDB® and DB2 instances
The framework provides automation for the following:
Install components of Universal Cache or IBM InfoSphere CDC replication
Create databases of various types (solidDB®, Informix, DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows) and execute SQL statements against them
Create and start IBM InfoSphere CDC instances for any of the supported database types
Create datastores, subscriptions, and mappings and start mirroring
Cleanup of the environment by deleting any created components
To use the automation framework, you need
a Linux or Windows environment, and
a working installation of Perl, available, for example, through www.perl.com.
For a detailed description of how to set up the environment and how to use the automation framework, see the readme file in the <IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® installation directory>\samples\ucautomation directory.
See also
Tools and utilities