Universal Cache User Guide : Tools and utilities : Instance and subscription management tools : ucdeploy: Configuration and setup sample
ucdeploy: Configuration and setup sample
The ucdeploy sample creates two solidDB® databases (frontend and backend), the corresponding IBM InfoSphere CDC instances and datastores, and the subscription between them. The sample then starts mirroring on the subscription, demonstrating how data is replicated from the frontend database to the backend database.
The ucdeploy sample uses the dminstancemanager utility to create the frontend and backend instances and the dmsubcriptionmanager utility to create the subscription. The sample also utilizes standard IBM InfoSphere CDC dm-commands, for example, to start mirroring on the subscription.
The ucdeploy sample is available in the<IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® installation directory>\samples\ucdeploy directory.
For a detailed description of how to use the sample, see the readme.txt in the same directory.
See also
Instance and subscription management tools