Universal Cache User Guide : Tools and utilities : Instance and subscription management tools : uchsbmonitor: HSB subscription monitoring sample
uchsbmonitor: HSB subscription monitoring sample
The uchsbmonitor sample is Perl script that monitors subscriptions in High Availability setups. The sample program restarts Mirroring if the subscriptions have stopped due to a failover or switchover event.
For example, in cases where a Primary server that is a target datastore fails, replication on subscriptions ends. For recovery, replication on the subscription needs to be restarted.
The uchsbmonitor sample script hsbmonitor.pl is available in the <IBM InfoSphere CDC for solidDB® installation directory>\samples\uchsbmonitor directory.
The syntax to run the script is:
perl hsbmonitor.pl -s src -t tgt <subscription_name>
src – name of the source instance
tgt – name of the target instance
<subscription_name> – name of the subscription to be monitored
See also
Instance and subscription management tools