Universal Cache User Guide : ODBC driver connect string: Formatting rules
ODBC driver connect string: Formatting rules
(RemoteServerDSN parameter)
In SQL passthrough setups, the connect string for the backend ODBC driver is defined with the RemoteServerDSN parameter in the [Passthrough] section of the solid.ini configuration file. The format of the connect string depends on the ODBC driver.
Generic rules
If the connect string contains semicolons (;), the connect string must be given in double quotation marks, without any spaces between the first equal sign and the double quotation mark.
For example:
RemoteServerDSN="Driver={IBM DB2 ODBC DRIVER};Database=my_ids;Hostname=;Port=9088;protocol=TCPIP;"
If the connect string needs to include the username and password for the backend database, %s can be used as a placeholder to mark where the username and password should appear. %s indicates that at connection time, the username and password are read from the SYS_SERVER system table.
For example: IDS ODBC Driver with database my_ids at port 9088:
At connection time, the %s for username and %s for password are replaced with username Admin and password pwd123 that are stored in the SYS_SERVER system table.