Architecting and designing > Archimate 3 > Technology Layer – Basic Viewpoints > ArchiMate Technology Usage Viewpoint
ArchiMate Technology Usage Viewpoint
The Technology Usage Viewpoint shows how applications are supported by the software and hardware technology. This includes:
Technology services delivered by the devices, and
System software and networks that are provided to the applications.
This viewpoint can play an important role in:
Analysis of performance and scalability, since it relates physical infrastructure to applications.
Designing/determining performance and quality requirements on the infrastructure based on the demands of the various applications that use it.
The ArchiMate elements that can be drawn on this diagram are:
Application component/collaboration
Application process/function/interaction
Application event
Data object
Technology collaboration
System software
Technology interface
Communication network
Technology process/function/interaction
Technology service
Technology event
An example Technology Usage Viewpoint drawn in System Architect is shown below – note how it enables modeling of Technology Functions, Processes, and Services, which the ArchiMate Technology Viewpoint does not.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
ArchiMate Technology Viewpoint
Technology Layer – Basic Viewpoints