Architecting and designing > Archimate 3 > Introduction > ArchiMate relationships > Indirect relationships
Indirect relationships
To visualize an indirect relationship (otherwise called calculated, derived or inferred) on any diagram type in System Architect, perform the following steps:
1 Create a new definition of type Explorer Relationship Report. There are several ways to do this:
Right-click Definitions in the Explorer tree, and then select New Definition of type Explorer Relationship Report, or
Select Dictionary > New Definition, and then select type Explorer Relationship Report, or
Open the Heat Map Manager (View > Heat Map Manager) and then click the Object/Relationship Report wizard button at the top.
2 Build the report.
An example is provided below (with the Explorer Relationship Report dialog opened through the Heat Map Manager). In this example, the report navigates from a Logical Application Component, that is assigned to a Function, that composes a child Function, that realizes a Business Service, that serves a Business Process.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 On the second page of the Explorer Relationship Report, choose the color, font, and so on, of the line that will be automatically drawn on the diagram to reflect the report.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 When the report is completed and saved, find it and run it, as described below:
Find it in the Explorer tree on the left side, under Explorer Relationship Reports, and drag it onto the diagram workspace.
If created in the Heat Map Manager, find it under Explorer Relationship Reports and click it to run it.
A line will be drawn to reflect the indirect relationship.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note By default, Explorer Relationship lines are drawn as straight lines – you can change to orthogonal by selecting the line and choosing Format > Symbol Format > Line.
5 Optionally, double-click the line automatically drawn – you will see a message That object has no properties to be edited. The reason for this, is that the relationship line is simply the output of a report.
See also
Types of ArchiMate relationships
ArchiMate relationship types in System Architect
Allowed relationships between model elements
Symbol-Inside-Symbol relationships
ArchiMate relationships