Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPMN > Importing and exporting BPMN 2.0 model information > Importing BPMN Interchange XML format files to BPMN diagrams
Importing BPMN Interchange XML format files to BPMN diagrams
You can import BPMN 2.0 interchange format XML files and BPMN 2.0 interchange format model ZIP files to diagrams in your encyclopedia. For example, you can import a file that originated as an export of BPMN 2.0 model information from another application. The BPMN format model ZIP files can contain multiple BPMN 2.0 interchange format XML files.
The imported model is stored as one or more diagrams and definitions inside the current encyclopedia. The information in the imported file is converted into supported BPMN shapes and relationships in the diagrams.
1 In the Explorer, right-click and then click Import BPMN File.
2 In the Import XML dialog box, select a source to import from.
The BPMN model can be imported from either the file system (local or remote) or IBM Rational Asset Manager, depending on the encyclopedia configuration.
3 Browse to the target .xml or .zip file.
4 Review the default diagram and definition collision options. Modify the options as needed.
As a best practice, set If diagrams are identical to Always replace existing diagram and set If definitions are identical to Update single fields when data supplied.
If you select Always replace existing diagram, the original diagrams are overwritten when there is a collision. To preserve the original diagrams, create a new encyclopedia, and then import the BPMN 2.0 interchange format file to the new encyclopedia.
5 To change the temporary path that is used during the import operation, click Advanced; then browse to a temporary folder.
6 Click OK.
After the import operation completes, a dialog box opens to notify you of the status of the file import.
The following conditions apply to all BPMN diagrams generated by a BPMN XML import operation:
The names of the connectors, such as sequence flows, associations, and message flows, and gateways are hidden by default.
Lanesets are supported with only one level of lanes and a dummy pool is added if the process diagram contains a laneset.
BPMN industry models can contain duplicate symbol names across the diagrams, each with different properties. For example, consider a model that has two diagrams, “Diagram 1" and “Diagram 2." Each diagram contains an event symbol called “End1”, one being a Message Event in “Diagram 1" and the other “End1” being a Terminate Event. In such a case, during an import operation, only one definition “End1” is generated, which represents a Message Event. Consequently, both “Diagram 1" and “Diagram 2" represent the Message event.
When a BPMN diagram with a child diagram is imported, the child diagram name is set to the sub process name.
See also
Importing and exporting BPMN 2.0 model information