Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPMN > Hiding or showing items by using editing modes
Hiding or showing items by using editing modes
When a BPMN diagram is open, you can set an editing mode to hide or show items in the user interface. A mode defines a subset of symbols, properties, and list items to be displayed.
If you set a new editing mode for a diagram, symbols that are already present on the diagram are not affected by switching the modes.
1 In the Explorer, open a business process diagram.
2 On the toolbar, click the arrow next to the Apply Mode button, and then click a mode:
Simple: Shows the fewest symbols, properties, and list items.
Descriptive: Shows additional symbols, properties, and list items.
Analytic: Shows all applicable user interface elements.
3 To update the mode view, click Apply Mode.
The selected mode shows or hides elements for the current user in the following areas: the diagram toolbar and diagram menu; the choices list showing the list of definitions that can be added to the diagram; and the Properties editor. The currently selected mode is the default for new diagrams of the same type.
See also
BPMN editing mode reference
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