Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPMN > Modeling events on BPMN diagrams > Drawing start, intermediate, and end Events on BPMN diagrams
Drawing start, intermediate, and end Events on BPMN diagrams
You can draw events on BPMN diagrams with various trigger types.
In System Architect, the event type is dictated by the way you attach Sequence Flow lines to it. By default, when you drop an event on a diagram, it is treated as an intermediate event and is garnished with a double circular band. As soon as you draw a Sequence Flow from it to another symbol, the double band of the circle changes to a single band. If you draw a Sequence Flow into an intermediate event, it changes to a circle with a thick, bold boundary, denoting that it is an end event.
To draw an event directly on the diagram
1 Click Draw > Event, and then select an event type.
2 Click the diagram surface.
3 Type a name for the event; then click OK.
To draw events associated with a sequence
A more concise way to show an event associated with a sequence is to specify the event in the definition dialog box of the sequence line itself.
1 Draw a Sequence Flow line between two processes.
2 To open the definition dialog of the new Sequence Flow line, double-click the line.
3 Type a name for the Sequence Flow line, and then click OK.
4 To specify an Initiating Event, under Event, click Choices.
5 In the Select and Drag dialog box, drag an event name to the Initiating Event field, and then close the Select and Drag dialog box.
6 Click Define to define the event itself, and ensure a stereotype has been set for it.
7 Click OK.
The event icon corresponding to the event’s stereotype will be displayed on the Sequence Flow itself, on the end where it connects to the pertinent process.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Modeling events on BPMN diagrams