Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPMN > Modeling Gateways on BPMN diagrams > Gateway definitions
Gateway definitions
You can open the Gateway definition dialog box to specify stereotypes and other properties.
Analysis tab
You can specify that the Gateway definition is part of a Category. A category is a simple grouping mechanism, introduced by the BPMN 1.0 specification. Assigning a Gateway to a Category enables you to show a hierarchy of categories and the Categories that belong to them using a System Architect Decomposition diagram.
Execution tab
Variable Assignments
You can specify one or more BPEL Assign definitions. All are generated to a BPEL Assign expression. The BPEL Assign definition consists of the following properties:
Assign Time
You can specify the Assign Time either be Start or End.
If you specify Start, a BPEL sequence will be created and the assign will follow the instantiation of the process (through a receive or a pick).
If you specify Start, a BPEL sequence will be created and the assign will follow the instantiation of the process (through a receive or a pick).
Additional properties based on the Gateway stereotype
The properties below are set on the Execution (Timing) tab, available if you have specified the Stereotype property of the Gateway (on the Introduction tab) as AND, and pressed the Apply button.
Timing: You can select Synchronous or Asynchronous.
The properties below are set on the Execution (Complex) tab, available if you have specified the Stereotype property of the Gateway (on the Introduction tab) as Complex, and clicked the Apply button.
Timing: You can select Synchronous or Asynchronous.
Incoming Conditions: You can type in the condition in the text field.
Outgoing Conditions: You can type in the condition in the text field.
Event based
If you specify the Gateway as Event based, during BPEL generation it will map to a pick. The mapping to BPEL also depends on what the gateway flows to.
Gateway with Receive Task as Target: The Receive Task maps to an onMessage element within the pick. The attributes of the Receive Task will map to the appropriate elements of the onMessage, such as operation and portType.
Symbol tab
You can specify the following standard attribute.
This attribute maps to the BPEL4WS process attribute suppressJoinFailure.
Yes: Generates the following statement in BPEL:
No: Generates the following statement in BPEL:
See also
Modeling Gateways on BPMN diagrams