Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPMN > Modeling Sequence and Message Flows on business process diagrams > Definition of BPMN Message Flows
Definition of BPMN Message Flows
You can fill in or observe the following properties in the definition dialog box of a Message Flow.
Analysis tab
Message Name
The name of the message that travels along the message flow.
Message Content
You can specify that the message content is a class, an entity, or an XML schema.
You can specify that the Message Flow is part of a Category. A category is a simple grouping mechanism, introduced by the BPMN 1.0 specification. Assigning a Message Flow to a Category enables you to show a hierarchy of categories and the Message Flows that belong to them using a System Architect Decomposition diagram.
Execution tab
Message Name
You can specify the name of the message passed between organizations. The Message Name is generated to BPEL if you generate the process diagram to BPEL.
Port Type
You can click the Choices button and drag a class definition into the Port Type property. Only classes that have a stereotype of WSDL PortType are presented. The Port Type is generated to BPEL if you generate the process diagram to BPEL.
You can click the Choices button and drag a class definition into the Operation property. Only classes that have a stereotype of WSDL Operation are presented. The Operation is generated to BPEL if you generate the process diagram to BPEL.
Input Variable
You can specify an input variable, which is a definition type called BPEL Variable. Only BPEL Variables that have a Variable Type of WSDL Message are presented. The Input Variable is generated to BPEL if you generate the process diagram to BPEL.
Output Variable
You can specify an output variable, which is a definition type called BPEL Variable. Only BPEL Variables that have a Variable Type of WSDL Message are presented. The Output Variable is generated to BPEL if you generate the process diagram to BPEL.
You can specify a Faultname for the message.
You can specify one or more Correlations for the message. For each Correlation, you can specify whether it is an Initiating correlation, and what type of pattern it is: In, Out, or Out-In.
Symbol tab
Source and Target Pools
When you draw a message flow line from or to the edge of a pool, the name of that pool is automatically placed in the Source and/or Target Pool property.
See also
Modeling Sequence and Message Flows on business process diagrams