Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPMN > Modeling groups, pools, and lanes on business process diagrams > Groups on business process diagrams
Groups on business process diagrams
The Group symbol provides a visual mechanism to group elements of a process flow informally.
Groups are often used to highlight certain sections of a diagram without adding additional constraints as, for example, a subprocess would. The grouping is for documentation or analysis purposes only. The group of activities formed does not affect the Sequence Flow.
Groups can also be used to identify the activities of a distributed transaction that is shown across Pools.
The following statements are true about Groups:
A Group is not an activity
A Group is not a Flow Object
A Group cannot connect to a Sequence Flow or a Message Flow
Groups are not constrained by restrictions of Pools and Lanes; they can be drawn across them
The following image shows a Group containing three Processes.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Modeling groups, pools, and lanes on business process diagrams