Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPEL generation > Generating BPEL from BPMN diagrams
Generating BPEL from BPMN diagrams
You can generate BPEL code directly from a BPMN business process diagram, provided that you have provided sufficient detail in your BPMN diagram to support the generation.
1 Open a Business Process diagram.
2 Specify appropriate BPEL properties in the Business Process diagram, using the BPEL to BPMN mapping reference information.
3 In the BPMN Business Process diagram, select Dictionary, Generate BPEL.
4 In the BPEL output file field, enter a path and a name (with a .BPEL file name extension) for the output file..
5 You can optionally select the following upon generation of BPEL:
Output SA guids
Selected by default. Product GUIDs are generated in the BPEL file.
Replace illegal characters
Allows for replacement of characters that are not legal characters for an item where a Non Colonized name is specified.
Character replacement string
Allows for a user defined string that will be used to replace all illegal characters. If left blank then the default for replacements is used. Characters will be replaced with a 4 digit hexadecimal equivalent prefixed by an underscore and x and suffixed with an underscore. For example, a space is replaced by _x0020_, and the dollar sign $ is replaced by _x0024_.
Allow inconsistent generation
Allows for the generation of BPEL even when it contains errors.
Format output
Selected by default. If unchecked then the output is generated as one long string.
Save settings on exit
Allows for settings to be save to the System Architect .ini file.
6 Click OK.
If the generation is successful, System Architect confirms the generation and specifies where the file has been generated to. If the generation is not successful, System Architect specifies what issues it has encountered in an information log in the BPEL Generation pane. You can print or save the log to a file.
See also
BPEL generation