Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPEL generation > BPEL to BPMN mapping reference > BPMN to BPEL mapping for Intermediate Inflow Events
BPMN to BPEL mapping for Intermediate Inflow Events
You can generate BPEL code for BPMN Intermediate Inflow Events.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
If there intermediate event has a Trigger Type set to "none" then the event is used merely for documentation purposes and no elements are created. See sections below for other trigger types.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
BPMN comments
This is treated exactly as per the pattern detailed in the section End Event - With Message Flow except that the intermediate event stereotype can only be
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
BPMN comments
This is treated exactly as per the pattern detailed in the section Start Event except that the intermediate event stereotype can only be
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
BPMN comments
This maps to a wait element and the wait specification is a choice between one of two attributes; waiting for or waiting until. These are determined from the appropriate properties.
If both properties are erroneously populated in the model then a warning is added to the warning log.
BPEL comments
1 If the event stereotype is an "timer" then a <wait> element is created.
2 If the property "BPMN Event". "Time Date" is populated and the property "BPMN Event". "Time Cycle" is empty then for the until attribute the "deadline-expr" is populated with the property value.
3 If the property "BPMN Event". "Time Cycle" is populated and the property "BPMN Event". "Time Date" is empty then for the for attribute the "duration-expr" is populated with the "Time Cycle" property value.
4 The standard-attributes are determined from the Event symbol.
Element construct
<wait (for="duration-expr" | until="deadline-expr")
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
1 If the stereotype is an "exception" then a <throw> element is created.
2 The qname of the faultName attribute value is taken from the BPMN Event definition property "BPMN Event". "Fault Name"
3 The ncname of the faultVariable attribute value is taken from the BPMN Event definition property "BPMN Event". "Fault Variable"
4 The standard-attributes are determined from the Event symbol.
BPMN comments
This maps to a throw element.
<throw faultName="qname"
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
BPMN Comments
This maps to a compensate element.
BPEL comments
1 If the stereotype is an "compensation" then a <compensate> element is created
2 The ncname of the scope attribute value is taken from the BPMN Event definition property "BPMN Event". "Compensation"
3 The standard-attributes are determined from the Event symbol.
Element construct
<compensate scope="ncname"
See also
BPEL to BPMN mapping reference