Architecting and designing > Business Process Analysis (BPA) > BPEL generation > BPEL to BPMN mapping reference > BPMN to BPEL mapping for Process Task Type mappings > Receive
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
BPMN Comments
This pattern maps to a receive element
BPEL comments
1 If the property "BPMN Process"."Task Type" = "Receive" a <receive> element is created.
2 The process must not be part of an event based gateway pattern.
3 The message flow can ONLY originate from a Pool or Lane symbol and NOT any activity contained within the pool or lane symbol.
4 The ncname of the <receive name> attribute is taken from the name of the BPMN process "Business Process".Name
5 The ncname of the <partnerLink> attribute is derived from the pool or lane that the message symbol is connected from by examining the name of the definition used in the pool or lane's property If the Participant property is not populated then the name is taken from the pool or lane name
6 The qname of the "portType" is constructed from the message flow symbol definition, which is a "Class" definition as follows.
"Message Flow"."Port Type" gives a "Class" definition, in which its stereotype must be a " WSDL PortType" Determined from Class.Stereotype
The name of the "Class", is prefixed with the name of the "Namespace" property Class.Namespace and a colon.
7 The ncname of the <operation> is determined from the "Class" definition "Message Flow" The class stereotype must be a "WSDL Operation" determined from Class.Stereotype
8 The ncname of the <variable> is taken from the BPEL Variable definition contained in "Message Flow"."Input Variable".name
9 The createInstance attribute value is taken from the BPMN Process definition property "BPMN Process".Instantiate? and will be either a "yes" or "no"
10 The standard-attributes are determined from the respective Process that the Message flow is connected to.
Element construct
name = "ncname"
"BPMN Process"."Task Type"= Script
BPMN Comments
Same as the Send
"BPMN Process"."Task Type"= Reference
BPMN comments
This task type does not map to any element
"BPMN Process"."Task Type"= None
BPMN comments
This task type maps to an "empty" element
BPEL comments
1 If the property "BPMN Process"."Task Type"= "None" a <empty> element is created.
2 The ncname of the <empty> element is taken from the name of the process.
Element construct
<empty name="ncname"/>
"BPMN Process"."Task Type"= Abstract
BPMN Comments
Same as Send
"BPMN Process"."Task Type"= User
BPMN comments
Same as Send
"BPMN Process"."Scope" = "T"
BPMN comments
There are occasions, for example with child diagram decompositions or activities embedded in a process symbol, when a scope is required. These activities will reside within the scope element. Note that the scope element is not related to the TaskType property; it is merely a construct designed to support BPEL. Whilst a process can only be a particular TaskType it can also be a scope.
BPEL comments
1 If the property "BPMN Process"."Scope" = "T" a <scope> element is created.
2 The ncname of the <scope> element is taken from the name of the process.
3 Subsequent activities will occupy the Activity placeholder.
Element Constructs
<scope name="ncname">
See also
BPMN to BPEL mapping for Process Task Type mappings