Architecting and designing
Edit/Transform Symbol
Use this command to convert any symbol in a diagram to a different symbol.
There are certain symbol types that are transformable.
The viable target symbol types are as described below:
Must be same topology – node, flag or line.
Must not be a line (User Type).
Must be a different type from the source.
Must be transformable.
Any symbol type defining a keyed definition is excluded.
There are a large number of symbol types configured to be non-transformable because of how they are used in the diagrams they were designed to be used in.
Representationally consistent symbols can be transformed to any other another allowed symbol type.
When transforming to a representationally consistent symbol, the user is prompted to confirm the name and type of the underlying definition. A definition must be created even if the user cancels.
Picture symbols
This will copy the reference made to an image file to the Symbol Depiction property in the Symbol tab.
It can be made visible by pressing the Symbol Depictions button on the toolbar if it is not presented immediately. The default state is set per symbol type.
When an image is pasted or the image file copied, the diagram must first be saved. If you perform the transform action before saving then you can undo to the point before the transform so that you can save it.