Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Creating systems view products > Generating SV-6 system information exchange matrix reports for DoDAF
Generating SV-6 system information exchange matrix reports for DoDAF
You can generate tabular reports that describe system data exchanges between systems in a node and from those systems to systems at other nodes.
The focus of the System Information Exchange Matrix is on how the data exchanges are implemented, in system-specific details that include such characteristics as specific protocols, and data or media formats. These aspects of exchanges are critical for understanding the potential overhead and constraints that the physical aspects of the implementation introduce.
Note There are two different System Information Exchange Matrices to choose from: SV/SV-6 and OV/SV-6. The SV/SV-6 report retrieves both the SV-1 Interface diagrams and SV-2 Communications diagrams that were created previously.
Note You can run the report for specified system interface definitions as well. The OV / SV6 report is driven from the OV-2 Operational Node Connectivity diagram. This report examines the Information Exchanges, finds all connections to System Data Exchanges, and reports the rest of the information contained in the standard SV-driven report.
To generate the SV-6 System Information Exchange Matrix report
1 Click Reports > DoDAF Reports.
2 Click System Information Exchange Matrix (SV/SV6 or OV/SV-6).
3 To run the report, specify either By Definition or By Diagram; then click Run.
The report opens in an Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
See also
Creating systems view products