Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Creating systems view products > Generating SV-7 system performance parameters matrix reports for DoDAF
Generating SV-7 system performance parameters matrix reports for DoDAF
You can generate a report that uses the system element interface description to depict the current performance characteristics of each system, and the expected or required performance characteristics at specified times in the future.
Characteristics are listed for the hardware elements and software elements. The future performance expectations are geared to the Standards Technology Forecast of the technical architecture view.
Note SV-7 attributes are on both the System Element and System Component definition dialog boxes that are located in the SV-1 Interface diagram. The information that is entered here will be reflected when the SV-7 report has been run.
1 Click Reports > DoDAF Reports.
2 Click System Performance Parameters Matrix (SV7).
3 Specify either By Definition or By Diagram.
4 Click Run.
The report opens in a Microsoft Word document.
See also
Creating systems view products