Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Creating systems view products > SV-8 Systems Evolution diagram symbols
SV-8 Systems Evolution diagram symbols
The SV-8 presents a whole lifecycle view of systems, describing how they change over time. It shows the structure of several resources mapped against a timeline.
The following symbols are used to develop the systems evolution diagram.
Represents a System (DM2). New systems can be created or existing systems can be used. The system symbol is shown as a horizontal bar across the diagram. A system symbol is created by selecting the System tool in the toolbar and clicking on the diagram. Systems can also be drawn by selecting Choices and dragging them onto the diagram.
System Milestone
Represents System Milestone (DM2). These are created by adding them to the Milestones property of System (DM2) under the Milestones tab. They appear as circles on the system symbols and are positioned based on the milestone date. The milestone name and date are entered into the Milestone grid as below.
The milestone date controls the position of the milestone on the system line. There is no tool in the toolbar to create milestones. They appear on the system line based on the contents of the Milestone property.
Because systems often go through the same phases and milestones, system milestones can have the same name in different systems. They are individual definitions and can occur at different times and have different DOTMLPF-P States. DOTMLPF-P is short for Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership & Education, Personnel, Facilities and Policy.
DOTMLPF-P states are represented as the eight sectors on the milestone circular symbols. The state of each SOFMLPF-P sector is controlled by its state which is changed by using the drop down for each sector.
Represents System Milestone Dependency (DM2r) and appears as a line connecting two milestones. The line is drawn by selecting the Dependency symbol in the toolbar and connecting it to the depended on milestone and then to the dependent milestone. The arrow head points to the dependent milestone.
This symbol is created during creation of a new SV-08 diagram. The symbol contains the intervals from start to finish of the specified time. The time and intervals can be set by opening the Timeline. The following properties can be set.
Start Date and End Date: They control the span of the time depicted on the diagram.
Interval Number: Controls the number of intervals between measures on the timeline.
Interval Unit: Selects Day, Week, Month, Quarter or Year as the measures on the timeline.
Represents the key for the diagram. It shows the position for each of the DOTMLPF-P sectors, the color corresponding to each state and the project phases. The symbol is drawn by selecting the Key symbol from the toolbar and dropping it on the diagram.
See also
Creating systems view products