Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services > Modeling DoDAF capabilities
Modeling DoDAF capabilities
To build net-centric architectures, as prescribed by DoDAF 1.5, you capture the capabilities of the operational and systems architecture.
In military terms, a capability is the ability to execute a specified course of action.
In DoDAF, a capability can be defined by one or more sequences of activities, referred to as operational threads or scenarios. A capability can also be thought of as the attributes required to accomplish a set of activities (such as sequence/timing of op activities that enable a capability), in order to achieve a mission objective.
The product provides the following support for modeling capabilities:
Capability Taxonomy (Hierarchy) Diagram
You can use the Capability Taxonomy (hierarchy) diagram to establish Capabilities that your architecture provides, or must provide. This diagram enables you to think hierarchically; you can arrange Capabilities to show their hierarchical composition. This diagram is provided to the DoDAF user as an optional diagram to work with. It is the same as the StV-2 diagram from MODAF, but since the DoDAF specification does not call for it, it does not have any prefix for the DoDAF user. It is simply called the Capability Taxonomy diagram.
Capability Cluster diagram
The Capability Cluster diagram enables you to map out Capabilities and show their dependencies to one another using a Capability Dependency line. You can also show decomposition of Capabilities by drawing Capabilities in their owning Capability. This diagram is provided to the DoDAF user as an optional diagram to work with. It is the same as the StV-4 diagram of MODAF, but since the DoDAF specification does not call for it, it does not have any prefix for the DoDAF user. It is simply called the Capability Cluster diagram.
Capability Dependency Matrix
This Capability-to-Capability matrix enables you to show dependencies between Capabilities. This matrix is provided to the DoDAF user as an optional matrix to work with. It is the same as the StV-4 matrix of MODAF, but since the DoDAF specification does not call for it, it does not have any prefix for the DoDAF user. It is simply called the Capability Dependency matrix.
See also
Modeling capabilities for the operational architecture
Modeling capabilities for the systems architecture
Using SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function matrices
Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services