Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services > Modeling DoDAF services
Modeling DoDAF services
To build net-centric architectures as prescribed by DoDAF 1.5, you capture the services of the operational and systems architecture. You begin the process of building services by defining a list of service definitions. You can do this by adding service definitions directly to the encyclopedia, or by building SV-4b Service Hierarchy and SV-4b Service Data Flow diagrams.
See also
Services (DoDAF)
Building SV-4b services decomposition diagrams
Building SV-4b service data flow diagrams
Displaying SV-3 Service-to-Service matrices
Modeling services on SV-1 Systems Interface diagrams
Modeling services on SV-2 Systems Communication diagrams
Specifying services performed by systems in SV-3 Services-to-Systems matrices
Generating SV-6b reports for publishing services
Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services