Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Running DoDAF utilities > Generating OV-5 activity model diagrams from OV-5 node tree diagrams
Generating OV-5 activity model diagrams from OV-5 node tree diagrams
You can use the OV-5 Node Tree to OV-5 Activity Model utility to generate OV-5 activity model diagrams from an existing OV-5 node tree diagram.
The current encyclopedia must contain at least one node tree diagram that contains a minimum of one symbol.
When you run the utility, the uppermost parent symbol becomes the context diagram for the activity model and each subsequent diagram will be created and attached as a child to its appropriate parent symbol. The operational activity symbols are arranged in a diagonal going from left to right, top and bottom. The arranged order of the symbols is the order in which they appear on the node tree diagram from left to right. The utility does not place ICOM arrows; it only creates the appropriate operational activity symbols.
1 Click Tools > DoDAF Utilities.
2 Select OV-5 Node Tree to OV-5 Activity Model.
All node tree diagrams in the current encyclopedia are displayed.
3 Select one or more of the diagrams in the list box, and then click Run.
4 Enter a name for each diagram to be created, and then click OK.
One or more OV-5 activity model diagrams with operational activity symbols and parent child relationships.
See also
Running DoDAF utilities