Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Running DoDAF utilities > Importing IER matrix definitions
Importing IER matrix definitions
You can run a utility that imports a Microsoft Excel document that contains an information exchange (IER) matrix to update the current encyclopedia.
Prerequisite There must be a properly formatted Excel file to import. The format of this document must contain, at minimum, the appropriate headings for the columns; however, the ordering is not mandated. A template for this format is contained in the System Architect installation directory, C4ISR\DoDAF\xlreport.xlt.
1 Click Tools > DoDAF Utilities.
2 Click Import IER Matrix Definitions.
3 In the Browse dialog box, select the name of the IER matrix file.
4 Select the File For Import; then click Open.
5 Click Run.
In the encyclopedia, information exchange, operational activity, operational node, and organizational unit definitions are created or updated. The appropriate operational activities are assigned to their operational nodes, and the appropriate organizational units are assigned to their owning organizations.
See also
Running DoDAF utilities