Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Running DoDAF utilities > Importing ICOM arrows from the IER matrix
Importing ICOM arrows from the IER matrix
You can run a utility that imports an Excel document, which contains an information exchange (IER) matrix, to update the OV-5 activity diagrams in the current encyclopedia.
To run this utility, the Import IER Matrix Definitions utility must be run and the appropriate OV-5 activity models must be present.
1 Run the Import IER Matrix Definitions utility.
2 Build a node tree diagram from the appropriate operational activities.
3 Create an empty or backup encyclopedia.
4 Run the OV-5 Node Tree To OV-5 Activity Model utility, importing to the empty encyclopedia. See the procedure below.
5 Verify that the information was properly imported; then merge the information into a working encyclopedia.
The utility uses the information in the IER matrix to compile a collection of information exchanges and their appropriate source and destination operational activities. This information is used to create corresponding ICOM arrows between activities when they are present on the same diagram. Currently, the utility does not create splits and joins when creating ICOM arrows, as well as tunneling in and out between diagrams.
6 Click Tools > DoDAF Utilities.
7 Click Import ICOM Arrows from IER Matrix; then click the Browse button.
8 In the Browse dialog box, select the file to import; then click Open.
9 Click Next.
10 Select which OV-5 activity model diagram that you want to update, and then click Run.
In the selected OV-5 activity diagram, ICOM arrows are drawn between the appropriate operational activities and assigned the appropriate information exchanges.
See also
Running DoDAF utilities