Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Running DoDAF utilities > Generating OV-2 diagrams from IER matrix reports
Generating OV-2 diagrams from IER matrix reports
You can run a utility that imports a Microsoft Excel document, which contains an information exchange matrix, and creates a new OV-2 operational node connectivity diagram.
The utility uses the information in the IER matrix to compile a collection of needlines, their associated information exchanges, and their appropriate source and destination operational nodes. This information is then used to create the operational nodes, draw the appropriate needlines and populate the needline definitions with their corresponding information exchanges.
This utility can only be used to create new OV-2 diagrams and cannot be used to update existing ones.
1 Click Tools > DoDAF Utilities.
2 Click Import OV-2 from IER Matrix; then click the Browse button.
3 In the Browse dialog box, select the file to import; then click Open.
4 Click Run.
A dialog box opens to ask you if the Import IER Definitions utility has been run for this matrix.
5 If the Import IER Definitions utility has not been run for this matrix, in the dialog box prompt, click No to automatically run the Import IER Definitions utility.
Note The Import IER Matrix Definitions utility must be run before the OV-2 diagram can be created.
6 When prompted, type a name for the diagram.
A new OV-2 diagram is created with operational nodes and needlines.
See also
Running DoDAF utilities