Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Creating operational view products > Creating OV-5 activity models > Specifying IDEF0 models for the OV-5 > Adding an IDEF0 model to existing OV-5 constraint diagrams
Adding an IDEF0 model to existing OV-5 constraint diagrams
You can create OV-5 diagrams with no IDEF0 model assigned, as long as the diagrams are not specified as context diagrams. Then you can open the properties for a constraint diagram, and specify an IDEF0 model to associate with the diagram.
The constraint diagram must be open.
To specify the IDEF0 model that a diagram belongs to
1 Click Edit > Diagram.
2 From the Choices list, drag over the model name.
If you have a number of diagrams connected to each other by parent-child linkages, you can use the automatic IDEF0 model propagation feature to assign an IDEF0 model to each diagram.
See also
Specifying IDEF0 models for the OV-5