Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Creating operational view products > Creating OV-5 activity models > Creating OV-5 context diagrams
Creating OV-5 context diagrams
The first step in drawing an OV-5 Activity Model is creating the context or A-0 diagram. This diagram depicts the context of a model whose node number is A-n, n being greater than or equal to zero. You create OV-5 context diagrams to describe the system you are modeling in its most complete and abbreviated form.
By IDEF specifications, the context, or A-0, diagram contains one Operational Activity symbol, describing your model’s top-level function (with statements of purpose and viewpoint), and Input, Control, Output, and Mechanism (ICOM) arrows describing the system’s inputs, controls, outputs, and mechanisms.
The OV-5 context diagram has two symbols available:
a symbol representing the model (a simple rectangle)
The model symbol is automatically added to the diagram when it is created, if you denote it as a context diagram.
a symbol for drawing the operational activity on the diagram (a rectangle with “M” in it).
To create a context diagram
1 First you should have an idea of the model that this IDEF0 Context diagram will represent. You can create a model beforehand, or create one as you start the IDEF0 diagram.
2 Ensure that the IDEF0 diagram set is enabled.
To verify IDEF0 diagram capabilities, click Tools > Customize Method Support > Encyclopedia Configuration.
To enable IDEF0 diagrams, click IDEF0 diagram, click OK, and then reopen the encyclopedia.
3 Click Tools > File > New Diagram > OV-5 Activity Model, and type the name of the diagram.
4 Click OK.
5 In the OV-5 Activity Model window, select the Context Diagram checkbox. The number of activities on the diagram is automatically limited to 1.
6 In the Model Name field, type the name of a new model or click the Choices button; then drag an existing model name to the box.
If you type the name of a new model, you can click Define to define the model. You can also do this later. The model should contain information regarding its purpose, scope and viewpoint.
7 Click OK.
A new diagram is created containing a symbol representing the model in its lower‑left corner. The diagram displays one unnamed activity and the IDEF0 Model Name.
The following image shows an example of a context diagram.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
From this diagram you can create child, or decomposition, diagrams to develop more detailed views of the function. IDEF0 child diagrams depict several sub-functions to describe the parent function.
See also
Creating OV-5 activity models