Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 standard > Creating operational view products > Creating OV-5 activity models > Working with ICOM arrows
Working with ICOM arrows
In an OV-5 Activity Model diagram, ICOM arrows are drawn into or out of operational activities to show an input, control, output, or mechanism (ICOM) of the symbol.
See also
ICOM arrows
Drawing ICOMs arrows on a constraint diagram
Drawing ICOM arrows on OV-5 context diagrams
Mapping ICOM arrows to child diagrams
Bundling ICOM arrows
Unbundling ICOM arrows
Setting squiggles for ICOM arrows
Navigating from ICOM arrows to operational activities on other diagrams
Viewing ICOM paths with mouse-over highlighting
Creating OV-5 activity models