Architecting and designing > Data modeling > Components of an entity relation diagram > Objects in an ERD > Entities > Deleting entities from a diagram
Deleting entities from a diagram
An entity can be deleted from the list of definitions in the encyclopedia, from a Model diagram or from a Subject Area diagram. In all cases, you can view an impact report indicating all uses of the entity.
Delete from definition
Delete symbol from model diagram
Delete symbol from subject area diagram
The entity symbol is removed from the model diagram and all subject area diagrams.
The entity symbol is removed from the model diagram and all subject area diagrams.
Entity symbol is removed from the subject area only.
The entity definition is deleted from the data dictionary.
The entity definition is deleted from the data dictionary.
All attributes of the entity are deleted from the data dictionary.
All attributes of the entity are deleted from the data dictionary.
All relation line symbols attached to the removed entity are deleted from the diagram, and the associated relation definitions are deleted.
All relation line symbols attached to the removed entity are deleted from the diagram, and the associated relation definitions are deleted.
Relation line symbols attached to entity are removed from subject area only.
Note The symbol is removed from any open diagram immediately on deletion. The bitmap picture of the diagram in the SA Explorer displays the symbol until the diagram is saved and the Explorer is refreshed (F5).
See also