Architecting and designing > Data modeling > Components of an entity relation diagram > Data normalization > Normalization error messages
Normalization error messages
R11 - Entity has no attributes
An entity with no attributes is not included in the normalization check.
R33 - <> at level <> violates first normal form criterion
The flagged entity includes iterations.
R34 - Element <> violates second or third normal forms criterion
The flagged entities contain attributes that are instances of the same data element. Furthermore, the attribute is not a key field in any of the flagged entities.
R65 - Access Path (or Entity) <> does not have a Primary Key
System Architect automatically creates an access path for every entity. This message is displayed when an entity does not have a primary key.
R66 - Attribute <> violates 2NF
Functionally dependent on < PK name> Data matches attribute <> in < name of second entity with different PK>
See also
Data normalization