Architecting and designing > XML schema design > Creating a new XML diagram > Specifying the XML schema
Specifying the XML schema
To create an XML diagram, you must specify the schema the diagram represents. You can either specify (and define) the schema when you build the diagram, or create it before hand and then specify it when you build the diagram.
The schema property on the diagram is inherited by all of the symbols and their definitions by default. Definitions use the Schema property as part of their Key. The Key is Schema followed by Name. Keying the definition by Schema and Name allows you to create more than one definition with the same name.
Creating multiple diagrams with the different schema
You can create multiple diagrams, each representing a different schema. For instance, you can create a Customer Element definition with the Schema property set to Legacy and another Customer Element definition with the Schema property set to Proposed. These two definitions can then contain different values in their properties.
You can now create two diagrams:
1 Legacy Purchase Order with the Schema property set to Legacy.
2 Proposed Purchase Order with the Schema property set to Proposed.
When you draw a new Element symbol on the Proposed Purchase Order diagram and set it's name to Customer, by default this symbol is related to the Customer Element definition for Schema Proposed. You have the ability to override the default schema inheritance by changing the value presented on the New Symbol dialog. When a symbol is created with a schema value that is different from the value specified on the diagram, the system assumes that this symbol is a reference to a definition in another schema.
Creating multiple diagrams with the same schema
Multiple diagrams can be created with the same schema. This allows you to create different versions of the relationships between elements and attributes on each diagram, usually a common activity in the beginning stages of a new design. Only the information on the current diagram is used during the export process. Therefore, each file generated is related to one diagram. There is no subject area concept.
To create an XML schema definition
1 From the Dictionary menu select New Definition. Double-click the XML Schema definition type from the Select new type for XML window.
2 Supply a name to your XML Schema definition, and then click OK.
See also
Creating a new XML diagram