Architecting and designing > XML schema design > The XML diagram > XML diagram properties
XML diagram properties
To edit the XML Diagram's properties, with the XML Diagram open and in focus, select Edit, Diagram, or right-click in an empty area of the diagram's workspace and select Diagram Properties from the Popup menu.
Schema properties
External Entities
(DTDs only)
External Entities are a list of other schemas defined in the system that the DTD will use. A document can be stored in multiple files. When a DTD refers to another DTD, it is called in as an external parameter entity. These definitions are imported as an external schema.
Text in the Comments field will be generated into the schema file but will be formatted as shown below:
<!--your comments go here-->
Processing Instructions
Processing Instructions are passed to an application. They typically contain a declaration of the target application and whatever instructions the application needs to process the XML schema.
Ignored Text
Contains any text or information that was wrapped by an IGNORE directive in the imported schema. Information in this field (preceded by an IGNORE directive) is not currently generated to a schema.
Text in the Description field does not get generated to a DTD, but is generated to a BizTalk schema. You can enter a description of the modeling element, or its use in the schema. The description can be included in a report. By default, it is included in HTML reports.
Source properties
Source File
Contains the location of the original schema file imported into the diagram.
Source Name
(BizTalk only)
Contains the name of the original schema file imported into the diagram.
Diagram properties
XML Schema
Specifies one and only one schema (see What is an XML schema?) that will be used throughout the diagram, and/or the XML Schema definition that elements and attributes are keyed to. Note that all elements and element attributes created on the diagram default to this schema name. Attribute and element symbols can be keyed to one and only one schema. If the schema is renamed, all elements and attributes that use it will be rekeyed to the new name. “Names” can be the same as long as they are keyed to different schemas.
Hierarchical Numbering
Activates node numbers on parent elements and groups and level numbers to all subelements, subattributes, and subgroups of the parents. Numbering is activated by default.
First Node Number
Specifies the node number value from which the first parent element or group created on the diagram. This can be any number. The default is one.
See also
The XML diagram