Architecting and designing > XML schema design > The XML diagram > Definition and symbol properties > XML group
XML group
The group element enables you to specify constraints on a specific set of subelements in your XML diagram. Groups are only represented by a graphical symbol (there is no definition) and are used to help organize sequences of elements. Groups can exist as parent or child nodes within a schema.
Group Symbol Properties
The order property specifies whether subelements are required to appear in a certain order, and if only one subelement of a set can appear.
seq: Indicates that subelements appearing in an instance document must appear in the order listed in the schema. The order of elements generated to the schema will be the order of elements on the diagram, from left to right.
Example output:
<!ELEMENT item (number,%onhand;,price,description) >
one: Specifies that only one subelement can be used from a list of subelements.
Example output:
<!ELEMENT item (number|%onhand;|price|description) >
many: Specifies that the subelements can appear in any order, and in any quantity. Example output:
<!ELEMENT item (number|%onhand;|price|description)* >
The default value for order is seq when the content attribute is set to eltOnly, and the default is many when content is set to mixed.
0: Minimum value is zero. Specified element is not required.
1: Element must occur at least one time.
1: Element will occur at least one time
*: Element will occur an unspecified number of times.
Text in the Comments field will be generated into the schema file but will be formatted as shown below:
<!--your comments go here-->
Processing Instructions
Processing Instructions are passed to an application. They typically contain a declaration of the target application and whatever instructions the application needs to process the XML schema.
Graphic Comment
Adds a comment to the symbol; the text is displayed on the diagram next to the symbol.
To embed the text in the symbol, select the symbol; choose Format, Symbol Format, Text Position, and then set Graphic Comment to be inside or outside the symbol.
If the graphic comment is outside the symbol, you can display a line to attach the comment to the symbol: select the symbol; choosing Format, Diagram Format, Notation, and then select Line to Remote Text.
See also
Definition and symbol properties