Architecting and designing > XML schema design > The XML diagram > XML rules checking > Rules check command
Rules check command
The Rules Check command invokes the online rules checking mechanism. Up to two rules checks (see Rules check) can be shown per symbol.
Setting the options
1 On the Reports menu, click Rules Check Options.
2 Select Hide Messages if you do not want to include the description of the error message in the Rules Check Report.
3 Select Don’t Mark Symbols if you do not want error symbols to appear in the diagram.
4 You can also list the error numbers that should not be checked. Each number must be separated with a space.
The Rules Check report will tell you which errors were not checked, and those errors will not appear in the Summary Counts.
Checking the rules
1 On the Reports menu, click Rules Check.
You can also use Rules Check (Selected): Select the symbols you want to validate are selected before using this command.
2 You can save your diagram before validation. You can save, validate without saving, or cancel the operation.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
A Rules Report is produced in a separate window.
Here is an example of a Rules Check window that is displayed when validation completes:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 When you have made all corrections, use Reports > Clear Errors to erase the visible error indicators.
See also
XML rules checking