Architecting and designing > XML schema design > The XML diagram > Importing/exporting XML documents > Importing XML documents
Importing XML documents
An XML instance document can be imported. The system then creates the design hierarchy diagram by deciphering the instance document. This is useful if you have an instance document but do not have the corresponding design file (DTD, BizTalk or XML Schema).
To import an XML document
1 Right-click in the diagram workspace to open the Diagram menu, or click File on the main toolbar.
2 Select Import > XML Document.
3 Select the import options in the Import XML Options dialog box, and then click OK.
4 You are asked if you want to save changes to the diagram. Click Yes to save changes to the diagram, or No to cancel.
A dialog appears asking if relevant symbols should be replaced.
5 Click Yes if the current diagram contents should be replaced, or No to cancel.
See also
Importing/exporting XML documents