Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Developing operational views with DoDAF ABM > Generating OV-3 operational information exchange matrices (ABM for DoDAF)
Generating OV-3 operational information exchange matrices (ABM for DoDAF)
You can generate a matrix to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that shows specified information exchanges.
1 Click Reports > DoDAF (ABM) Reports > Operational Information Exchange Matrix (OV3).
The OV-3 Report Settings dialog box opens.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Properties that are listed in the Selected properties box are specified to be generated to the Excel spreadsheet. To modify the default list of properties, you can perform any of the following steps:
To add properties to be generated, in the Available Properties list, select properties; then click the > arrow to move them to the Selected Properties list.
Similarly, you can remove properties from being generated by selecting them in the Selected Properties list and then clicking the < arrow.
To change the order that a property is placed in the Excel spreadsheet, select a property in the Selected properties list; then click the up or down button at the bottom of the list. The placement in the list actually translates to the horizontal placement of the column generated for the property in the resulting Excel spreadsheet.
3 When creating an OV-3 Report, you have the option to either save or load report settings. The report settings can be saved to and loaded from either the current encyclopedia or the file system. If the report is made the default, then the settings are saved in the System Architect .ini file (SA2001.ini).
To save your report settings, complete the following steps:
Click Save Settings.
In the Save OV-3 Report Settings dialog box, select one of the following options:
Save settings to encyclopedia: Saves the report settings to the current encyclopedia. Saving the report to the encyclopedia makes it easier to share it with others using the same encyclopedia.
Save settings to file: Saves the report settings to the file system.
In the Report name field, type the name of the report.
By default, the report name is report with the extension .OV3.
To make the report your default report, click Make this my default report. When selected, the report is saved to the System Architect .ini file as the default report.
Click Save.
4 To specify filter settings for the OV-3 report, in the Filter section, select one of the following options:
Valid: Only valid OV-3 Information Exchanges are generated to the Excel spreadsheet.
Invalid: Only invalid OV-3 Information Exchanges are generated to the Excel spreadsheet. When you have two activities with two or more nodes associated with each activity, then all combinations of Needlines and corresponding IER definitions will be auto-generated between them. However, it is possible that some of the IERs might be invalid for your particular modeling scenario — in that no information is consumed by an activity at a node.
Both: Valid and invalid OV-3 Information Exchanges are generated to the Excel spreadsheet. A column in the spreadsheet, labeled Valid, shows a value of either “T” (true, or valid) or “F” (false, or invalid) for each Information Exchange line.
5 To generate the report, click Run.
Example of a generated OV-3 matrix report
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Developing operational views with DoDAF ABM