Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Developing system views with DoDAF ABM > SV-1 systems interface diagrams and system data exchanges (ABM for DoDAF)
SV-1 systems interface diagrams and system data exchanges (ABM for DoDAF)
You can build SV-1 diagrams and use them to help you analyze System Data Exchanges.
Information about System Node Interface Lines, System Interface Lines, and the SV-1 Nodes and Systems that they relate to is maintained in the repository. Lines are created in the repository during a System Data Exchange generation operation.
You can include varying levels of detail by implementing these drawing options on the SV-1 diagram:
Draw All Interface Connections: Draws all Systems within System Node symbols and draws all System Node Interface and System Interface line symbols on the diagram.
Draw Node to Node Interface Connections: Draws only System Node Interface lines, between System Node symbols, on the diagram.
Draw System to System Interface Connections: Draws only System Interface lines between System Entity symbols, on the diagram.
Draw Only Embedded Systems in System Nodes: Draws the System Entities related to System Nodes within the boundary of the System Node symbols.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
System Interface Line definition
System Interface lines are identified by their 'to' and 'from' System Entity symbols. You can view the values of these properties for a System Interface line on the Source & Destination page of the definition dialog box. The Needline definition contains values for its From System Entity and its To System Entity. Both are read-only properties.
You can manually draw System Node and System Interface lines between nodes on the diagram, using the Line drawing tools from the Draw toolbar. Lines that you draw manually have Maintained by Generation cleared.
Maintaining lines on SV-1 diagrams
When you open an SV-1 diagram, the diagram is checked for all of the following conditions:
Lines that are maintained by generation; these lines have Maintained by Generation selected.
Lines that have no underlying definition OR lines that have an underlying definition but have no related System Data Exchanges.
Any lines that meet these requirements are deleted from the diagram automatically.
Lines that have been manually drawn, with Maintained by Generation cleared, are ignored and remain on the diagram.
See also
Developing system views with DoDAF ABM