Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Developing system views with DoDAF ABM > Building SV-4 data flows (ABM for DoDAF) > Balancing SV-4 diagrams (ABM for DoDAF)
Balancing SV-4 diagrams (ABM for DoDAF)
To balance SV-4 diagrams that have been decomposed into parent and child pairs, you can choose to automatically generate Data Flow lines to balance parent and child SV-4 diagrams. This includes lines that are split or joined on the child diagram. You can also run balancing reports on SV-4 diagrams to check if they are balanced.
The reports balance parent and child SV-4 diagrams based on data elements in the Data Flow lines, or, if data elements are not present, then the names of the lines themselves. The reports take into account splits and joins of Data Flow lines.
1 To automatically balance child or parent diagrams, click Reports; then select either Auto-Balance Parent(s) or Auto-Balance Child(ren).
Data Flow lines are added or removed from the parent or child diagram following the applicable rules.
2 To run reports that inform you if SV-4 diagrams are balanced, click Reports; then select either Balance Parent or Balance Child(ren).
A report is generated based on the Data Flow lines in and out of Data Flows and the Data Elements in those lines.
To understand how the Balancing Reports view Data Elements and Data Flow lines when balancing, examine the diagram below. On the parent diagram, System Function 6 has only one data flow line drawn into it: Order. The Order Data Flow line contains three Data Elements: DM1, DM2, and DM3. On the child diagram for System Function 6, there are three input data flows drawn into various System Functions: Authorization, Order_Coupon, and Payment. Authorization has Data Elements DM1, Order_Coupon has DM2, and DM3, and Payment has no data elements listed. The two diagrams are balanced.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Building SV-4 data flows (ABM for DoDAF)