Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services (ABM for DoDAF) > Modeling DoDAF capabilities > Modeling capabilities for the systems architecture (ABM for DoDAF)
Modeling capabilities for the systems architecture (ABM for DoDAF)
You can capture the systems architecture when you model a capability.
Mapping capabilities to system entities (ABM for DoDAF)
After you know which capabilities your operational activities provide from the capability to operational mapping matrix, you can specify which systems (system entities) provide those capabilities.
1 Select View > Matrix Browser.
2 In the Matrix Browser dialog, select the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix.
3 Click the System to Capability tab.
4 Specify each system entity that provides a capability.
5 Click Matrix > Reload to reload the matrix.
Mapping services to capability and operational activity pairs
The SV-5c Capability/Operational Activity to Service matrix enables you to map services to capability/operational activity pairs that they enable.
Adding new capability and operational activity pair instances to the matrix (ABM for DoDAF)
You can add capability and operational activity pair instances to the SV-5c Capability/Operational Activity to Service matrix.
This matrix presents Capability and Operational Activity pairs. Therefore, the following conditions apply:
The only capabilities presented in the SV-5c matrix are those that have been related to operational activities in the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix.
Likewise, the only operational activities that are presented in the SV-5c matrix are those that have been related to capabilities in the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix.
1 Open the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix.
2 Add relationships between capabilities and operational activities to create pair instances.
3 Reload the SV-5c matrix.
Adding relationships between services and operational activities/capabilities (ABM for DoDAF)
You can add relationships to map services to capability and operational activity pairs that they enable.
The SV-5c matrix is a text-in-cell matrix, which means that there is a definition underneath each cell that you can use to enter constraints and other properties against the relationship. By default and for ease of use, the matrix is presented in X-in-cell form. This means that the relationships that you make are simple X's.
To add constraint text directly into the relationship cells
1 Select a cell in the matrix.
2 Type X in the cell.
Each cell intersecting a service with an operational activity and capability pair is defined by a Service/Capability-OA definition type.
3 To open the Service/Capability-OA definition, right-click a cell that you have placed an X in; then click Edit Cell.
The following image shows an example of a matrix.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Modeling DoDAF capabilities