Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services (ABM for DoDAF) > Modeling DoDAF capabilities > Using SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function matrices (ABM for DoDAF)
Using SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function matrices (ABM for DoDAF)
You can open an SV-5b matrix to view and edit relationships between capabilities and systems.
The SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function Matrix is a multidimensional matrix. Opening it also opens up the following matrices:
SV-5 System Function to Operational Activity matrix
This traditional SV-5 matrix for DoDAF 1.0 has less information in it than the new SV-5b matrix. This matrix relates System Functions to Operational Activities, regardless of their related Capabilities or System Entities. To understand the nuances of keeping this matrix synchronized with the more detailed SV-5b matrix, see below.
Capability to Operational Mapping matrix
Use this matrix to map Capabilities to the Operational Activities that provide them.
System to System Function matrix
Use this matrix to specify the System Entities to the System Functions that they perform.
System to Capability matrix
Use this matrix to specify the Capabilities that System Entities provide.
SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function matrix (ABM for DoDAF)
The SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function matrix plots the Capability definition to the System Entity definition, through the specific System Functions that map to Operational Activities.
In this matrix, you can also specify the status of a System-Function-to-Operational-Activity pairing to produce a Capability by a System (Entity), within the definition of the intersecting cell. The status that you can select is as described below:
Functionality Planned But Not Developed
Red circle appears in matrix cell
Partial Functionality Provided or Full Functionality Provided But System Has Not Been Fielded
Yellow circle appears in matrix cell
“Full Functionality Provided and System Fielded
Green circle appears in matrix cell
For example, the same System Function can be used to invoke two different Operational Activities, but the status of its functionality to provide those two activities might be different in either case. In the example below, the Capability Decision Support is provided by the System Function Display + Approve Order, by the System Field Order Management. However, the status of the Capability being provided by Operational Activity Detect Environment is “Partial Functionality Provided or Full Functionality Provided But System Has Not Been Fielded” (yellow circle) while the status of the Capability being provided by Operational Activity Deconflict Airspace is “Functionality Planned But Not Developed” (red circle).
Note Only Capabilities that have been related to Operational Activities in the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix are presented in the SV-5b matrix. Likewise, only Operational Activities that have been related to Capabilities through that same matrix are shown in the SV-5b matrix.
Similarly, only Systems (actually System Entities) that have been related to System Functions in the System to System Function matrix are presented in the SV-5b matrix. Likewise, only System Functions that are related to System (Entities) through that same matrix are presented in the SV-5b matrix.
Updating the artifacts shown in the SV-5b matrix (ABM for DoDAF)
The only Capabilities and Operational Activities that are presented in the SV-5b matrix are those that you have related to one another in the Capability to Operational Mapping matrix. Similarly, the System to System Function matrix enables you to relate System Entities to System Functions.
To make additional pairings show up in the SV-5b matrix:
1 Make a new relationship in the traditional SV-5 matrix. In the example below, a new relationship is made between Adjust Camera Pod and Camera Pod Positioning System.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select Matrix > Save to save the matrix.
3 Put the SV-5b matrix in focus, and select Matrix > Reload.
The new System (Entity)/System Function pair is added to the matrix. In our example, this is “Camera Pod Positioning System\Adjust Camera Pod”, as the following image shows.
Promoting changes from the SV-5 matrix to the SV-5b matrix (ABM for DoDAF)
If you change a relationship between a System Function and an Operational Activity on the SV-5 matrix, you must infer relationships on the SV-5b matrix to see all possible relationships.
Because the SV-5 matrix, which relates System Functions to Operational Activities, has less information in it than the SV-5b matrix, the two cannot be automatically kept in synch. Relating a System Function to an Operational Activity in the SV-5 matrix does not provide enough information for the SV-5b matrix, which needs to know the capabilities and systems (entities) involved.
To infer relationships
1 Make a relationship between a System Function and an Operational Activity in the SV-5 matrix. In the example below, a relationship is made between “Adjust Camera Pod” and “Manage Camera Operation”.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select Matrix > Save.
3 Change focus to the SV-5b Capability\Operational Activity to System Entity\System Function Matrix. Note that the cell intersecting Camera Pod Positioning System\Adjust Camera Pod with Manage Camera Operation\Mission Rehearsal is not filled in - it cannot be because the actual relationship might be between Adjust Camera Pod and some other Capability, or Manage Camera Operation and some other System Entity.
4 Select Matrix > Infer Relationships. Notice that blue, italic X's are automatically placed in certain cells. These are inferred relationships. They are provided to you for informational purposes. It is up to you to make them permanent.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 Select the cell of an inferred relationship that you want to make permanent, and select a status circle from the drop-down list to make the relationship permanent.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
6 Select Matrix > Save to save the matrix. If you close the matrices at this point, all of the inferred relationships will be lost to the wind; the next time you open up this matrix set, the inferred relationships will not show up, unless you select Matrix > Infer Relationships again.
Promoting changes from the SV-5b matrix to the SV-5 matrix (ABM for DoDAF)
If you change a relationship between a System Function and an Operational Activity on the SV-5b matrix, you must infer relationships on the SV-5 matrix to see all possible relationships.
1 Specify a relationship in the SV-5b matrix by selecting a status symbol from the list.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select Matrix > Save.
3 Change focus to the SV-5 Operational Activity to System Function matrix. Note that the cell intersecting Adjust Camera Pod with Manage Camera Operation is not filled in.
4 Select Matrix > Infer Relationships. Blue, italic Xs are automatically placed in certain cells; these are inferred relationships. They are provided to you for informational purposes. It is up to you to make them permanent.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 Select the cell of an inferred relationship that you want to make permanent, to change the X into a non-italic, black colored X.
6 Select Matrix > Save to save the matrix. If you close the matrices at this point, all of the inferred relationships will be lost to the wind; the next time you open up this matrix set, the inferred relationships will not show up, unless you select Matrix > Infer Relationships again.
See also
Modeling DoDAF capabilities