Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services (ABM for DoDAF) > Modeling DoDAF services (ABM for DoDAF) > Building SV-4b services decomposition diagrams (ABM for DoDAF)
Building SV-4b services decomposition diagrams (ABM for DoDAF)
You can organize services using an SV-4b Services Decomposition diagram. Each service can belong to a service definition. You can decompose services into other services that are orchestrated together to provide functionality.
1 Create a Services Decomposition diagram.
2 To connect service symbols underneath other (parent) service symbols, complete do this:
Select a symbol, click and hold until a + mark and hand icon is displayed.
Drag the symbol under a parent service symbol until a connection line from the parent to the child symbol is displayed; then drop the service symbol.
The line connecting the two symbols is drawn automatically when the symbols are connected.
3 To change the arrangement of a hierarchy, right-click a symbol in the hierarchy chain, and then click one of these commands:
Arrange Children Vertically
Arrange Children Horizontally
Arrange Children as a Block
4 To move a group of symbols, select a parent symbol that represents the topmost scope for the group of symbols to be moved; then drag the symbol to a new location.
All symbols connected below the moved parent symbol move with it. You cannot select a whole group of symbols in the same hierarchy and move them; just move the top symbol, the rest follow.
The following image shows a diagram with Services in a hierarchy.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You can further specify this orchestration by using the SV-4b services data flow diagram. You can use multiple SV-4b diagrams to highlight different service families or different orchestrations of services, and you can place several hierarchies on one diagram.
See also
Modeling DoDAF services (ABM for DoDAF)