Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services (ABM for DoDAF) > Modeling DoDAF services (ABM for DoDAF) > Building SV-4b service data flow diagrams (ABM for DoDAF)
Building SV-4b service data flow diagrams (ABM for DoDAF)
You describe the interactions, or collaborations, between services using the SV-4b service data flow diagram.
This diagram has Services displayed as ovals.
Information sent between Services is modeled using Service Data Flow lines.
Rectangular Data Store symbols are used to represent External Systems, External Services, and External Portals. You can model information sent to/from Services to these Data Stores with Service Data Flow lines.
1 Open the SV-4b Services Hierarchy diagram and choose to automatically create a levelled set of SV-4b Services Data Flow diagrams.
The levelled set of diagrams will have parent-child links between applicable symbols, as shown below:
The root node is generated on its own in a context diagram.
Diagrams for leaf nodes in the hierarchy are generated.
2 Automatically Balance Parent and Child Services Data Flow Diagrams.
3 On the data flow line, specify the list of data (data elements and structures) sent between services.
4 Save the diagram.
After you save the service data flow diagram, the Client Services and Supplier Services properties are updated based on service data flow lines.
The following image shows an example of a services data flow diagram.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Now, you can open or reload the SV-3 Service-to-Service Matrix to display relationships between client and supplier services.
When you open the matrix, it reflects all relationships between services on currently saved diagrams. If you draw new service data flow lines between services on SV-4b Services Data Flow diagrams while the matrix is open and in focus, you can refresh the matrix to reflect these relationships by clicking Matrix > Reload.
See also
Modeling DoDAF services (ABM for DoDAF)