Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services (ABM for DoDAF) > Modeling DoDAF services (ABM for DoDAF) > Viewing SV-3 services-to-services matrices (ABM for DoDAF)
Viewing SV-3 services-to-services matrices (ABM for DoDAF)
To view relationships between Client and Supplier Services in the SV-3 Service-to-Service Matrix
1 Click View > Matrix Browser > Services-to-Services Matrix.
The matrix presents Services plotted against Services. The column represents client Services, and that the rows represent supplier Services.
2 When you open the matrix, it reflects all relationships between Services on currently saved diagrams, both Services connected by Service Data Flow lines on SV-4b Service Data Flow diagrams and Services connected by Service Interface lines on SV-1 Systems Interface diagrams.
If you draw new Service Data Flow lines between Services on SV-4b Services Data Flow diagrams while the matrix is open, you can refresh the matrix to reflect these relationships.
To synchronize the matrix with the diagrams
1 Save the SV-4b Services Data Flow diagram that you have drawn new Service Data Flow relationships on. When you do this, the Client Services and Supplier Services properties of each Service definition represented on the diagram is updated accordingly.
2 Save the SV-1 Systems Interface diagram that you have drawn new Service Interface relationships on. When you do this, the Client Services and Supplier Services properties of each Service definition represented on the diagram is updated accordingly.
3 With the matrix in focus, click Matrix > Reload.
Using the DoDAF ABM feature, you can directly relate System Nodes to the Services performed on them in the SV-3 System Node to Service matrix. This matrix is used in conjunction with the SV-3 System Entity to SysNodeService matrix, to enable you to specify what System Entities perform what Services on what System Nodes.
You can also directly relate System Entities to Service/System Node pairs in the SV-3 System Entity to SysNodeService matrix. This matrix is used in conjunction with the SV-3 System Node to Service matrix, to enable you to specify what System Entities perform what Services on what System Nodes.
See also
Modeling DoDAF services (ABM for DoDAF)