Architecting and designing > DoDAF > DoDAF 1.5 Activity Based Methodology (ABM) > Modeling net-centric architectures with capabilities and services (ABM for DoDAF) > Modeling DoDAF services (ABM for DoDAF) > Generating SV-6b reports for publishing services (ABM for DoDAF)
Generating SV-6b reports for publishing services (ABM for DoDAF)
In a net-centric architecture prescribed by DoDAF 1.5, the SV-6 workproduct is used to present service data exchanges modeled in the SV-1, specific information of the service data content, and how it is implemented in the net centric architecture. You can generate an SV-6b report that describes, in a tabular format, the structure of each service data exchange such as availability, capacity, latency, reliability, information assurance, size, format, periodicity, and security.
1 Click Reports > DoDAF (ABM) Reports > Services Matrix (SV-6B).
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 In the SV-6B Report Settings dialog box, in the Available Properties list, select properties to publish for each service.
3 To move the selection to the Selected Properties list, click the > arrow.
You can use the up and down arrows to specify the order that the properties are published for each Service.
4 Click Run.
An Excel spreadsheet is generated that lists all services, and the values of all properties for each service, as shown in the following image.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Saving and loading settings
When creating an SV-6B Report you have the option to Save Settings or Load Settings. The Report settings can be saved to and loaded from either the current encyclopedia or the file system. If the report is made the default, then the settings are saved in the System Architect .ini file (SA2001.ini).
When you click Save Settings, the Save SV-6B Report Settings dialog box appears.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
These options are available:
Save settings to encyclopedia: Save the report settings to the current encyclopedia. Saving the report to the encyclopedia makes it easier to share it with others using the same encyclopedia.
Save settings to file: Save the report settings to the file system.
Report name: Type the name of the report. By default the report name is “'Report” with the extension of .V6B.
Make this my default report: Save the report to the System Architect . ini file as the default report.
When you click Load Settings, the Load SV-6B Report Settings dialog box appears.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
These options are available:
Load settings from encyclopedia: Loads the previously saved report settings from the encyclopedia.
Load settings from file: Loads the previously saved report setting from the file system.
Report name: Select the name of the report you want to load.
Make this my default report: Loads the report from the System Architect .ini file as the default report.
See also
Modeling DoDAF services (ABM for DoDAF)