Architecting and designing > Using enterprise architecture frameworks > Using the Framework Browser > Managing custom frameworks > Creating new framework interfaces > Adding graphics to framework grids
Adding graphics to framework grids
Adding graphics to the framework can make it more aesthetically pleasing. More importantly, it enables you to have the modeling tools visually mirror your company’s approach to best practice modeling.
When creating a custom framework, you must select a common path and create a new folder to hold all of your graphic files.
As a best practice, all graphic files that are incorporated into the framework are located in a common directory. This directory needs be located in the root directory of System Architect®, for example:
c:\Program Files\UNICOM Systems\System Architect Suite\System Architect\Framework\Images for Framework
This ensures the following conditions:
All files important to the framework are not inadvertently deleted.
All installations of System Architect® are of the same configuration.
Deployment of System Architect® and customizations is easier.
Specifying the images folder
In the Framework editor dialog box, in the Graphics tab, can specify the folder that contains the images that are used in the framework.
1 If the images folder you want to use is located in the root directory of System Architect®, toggle the Use System Architect® standard folder defaults.
The name of the folder must match the name of the new framework in order for this feature to work. This forces you to see the root directory of System Architect®. If the images folder is stored in a different location do not toggle this feature.
2 When the Graphic files (for cells, wallpaper, logo) all reside in one folder feature is enabled, use the Browse button to locate the folder that contains the images you want to use for the framework.
3 When the Graphic files (for cells, wallpaper, logo) reside in several different folders feature is enabled, you can select your images from any place on your system.
When configuring your cells Browse to the folder that contains the images you want to use for the framework. Click OK to select it and return to the Framework editor dialog.
Note UNC File names are supported by this function.
4 In the Framework Rows and Columns field, to set the grid dimensions of the framework, type the number of rows, columns, and headers that are required. You can set the overall colors of the framework in the Framework Colors group (lower left corner of the Cells tab). All specifications you make in the Framework Cells tab effect all cells within the framework. You can specify colors for both the grid and header.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
For example, to create a grid that had 6 rows and 6 columns, with headers enabling us to name the rows and columns, you would make the following entries.
Number of Rows = 6 + Extra topmost header row
Number of Columns = 6 + Extra leftmost header column
You can set the:
BackColor: the background color of all cells.
GridColor: the color of the grid that surrounds the cells.
FontColor: the color of the font used for all cells.
5 In the lower right of the dialog box, click the Configure Cells button.
A preview of your basic framework grid is displayed in a new window, as shown in the image below. The basic framework grid has been created.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
When you have established the images directory you intend to use, you need to start applying the specific images to the framework.
Wallpaper and Logo tab: Specifying graphics for the Framework cells
1 You can optionally set Wallpaper options for the framework in the Wallpaper group under the Wallpaper and Logo tab of the Framework editor dialog. By default, No Wallpaper is enabled.
You can set the Wallpaper as an alternative to setting the background color of the cells, or you can do both in combination. If both Wallpaper and BackColor of cells are selected, the Wallpaper takes precedent. However, Wallpaper does not override the use of colors and graphics set for individual cells.
2 You can adjust the alignment of the wallpaper, as shown in the picture below.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 To preview the finished framework grid, select the Cells tab and click the Configure Cells button.
Specifying a logo
You can optionally specify a logo for the framework. The logo sits at the top of the window displaying the actual framework.
By default, No Logo is enabled. To use a logo, select the No Logo box and click the Browse button to navigate to the graphic file of the logo you want to use. The picture below shows a sample logo used for a Zachman Framework. If you want to preview the Framework, select the Cells tab and click Configure Cells.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
See also
Creating new framework interfaces