Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > Understanding the Performance Reference Model (PRM) > Using the Performance Reference Model > 1: Preparation
1: Preparation
Download and import the latest FEA Reference Model XML file
1 Download the latest FEA XML file containing the reference models. The latest XML file can be downloaded from:
2 Import the reference models into the System Architect encyclopedia: select Tools, iRMA Utilities, Import FEA XML and select the FEA XML file (FEA_XML_Doc_Rev_1.4.xml file) that you have downloaded.
While the file is being imported, you receive a message asking if you want to rebuild parent-child relationships. Click Yes.
While the file is being imported, you receive a message asking if you would like to remove old reference model definitions. Unless you have previously imported reference model definitions, select No.
3 Wait until you see the “Successfully Imported” notification (depending on your computer’s speed, this process can take several minutes).
Create a Performance Reference Model diagram
1 Create a new diagram of type Performance Reference Model in your encyclopedia.
You can name the diagram with any name that you like. This will be a reference diagram, so you can call it “Performance Reference Model”.
2 On the diagram, select the PRM symbol on the toolbar and draw one on the diagram.
Any name will do; the default is PRM_1. You can name it “PRM”.
3 Double‑click the definition of this PRM symbol.
4 Click Choices in the Child Measurement Areas property on the Introduction tab. Because you have imported the FEA Reference Model XML file, the encyclopedia is now populated with a number of PRM Measurement Areas. Select them all and drag-and-drop them into the Child Measurement Areas property list block. Click OK to close all dialogs.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 Select the PRM symbol on the diagram, and choose Tools > iRMA Utilities > Build Diagram Hierarchy. The PRM is automatically built, based on the information imported into this encyclopedia from the FEA XML file. This takes several minutes. The hierarchy reflects the PRM, and include the PRM Measurement Area, PRM Measurement Category, and PRM Measurement Grouping.
See also
Using the Performance Reference Model