Architecting and designing > Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) > FEAF 1 – integrated Reference Model Architect (iRMA) > Understanding the Performance Reference Model (PRM) > Using the Performance Reference Model > 2: Align your architecture with the Performance Reference Model (PRM)
2: Align your architecture with the Performance Reference Model (PRM)
Create PRM Measurement Indicator Definition
1 In the System Architect Explorer (browser), right-click the Definitions grouping and select New, or from the menu, select Dictionary > New Definition.
The dialog that appears that lists all Definition types currently available (based on your settings through the Tools, Customize Method Support option).
2 Double-click PRM Measurement Indicator. Name it, for example, “Payment Processing Time”.
3 There are many properties available in the PRM Measurement Indicator definition. Here are the ones that you are required to fill out:
Specify a Parent Measurement Grouping; by clicking Choices next to that property and dragging-and-dropping one in from the FEA Reference Model list imported. For example, in this case Payments.
On the Units and Frequency tab, you must specify the Type of Measure – whether it is Quantitative or Qualitative.
Unit of Measure must be specified if you have chosen Quantitative as the Type of Measure. Examples of Units of Measure are US dollars, count, miles, gallons per minute, rating, and so on. In this example, you might type in Days as the unit of quantitative measure for how long a payment takes.
Computation Rule: OMB requires that you describe how the raw data is converted into recorded measurements, and or describe the methodology, collection instructions, and transformations. In this example, here is a computational rule:
“Count days from supervisor approval of Expense Report, to date that check is issued to employee.”
PRM measurement indicator definition.
Create “Point in time” definition
1 In the System Architect Explorer (browser), right-click the Definitions grouping and select New, or from the menu, select Dictionary > New Definition.
The dialog that appears lists all Definition types currently available (based on your settings through the Tools, Customize Method Support option)
2 Double-click Point in Time. Name it; for example, “1QFY09”. Specify a Occurs on Date value; for example, “1/1/2009”.
3 Click OK to all dialogs.
Create measurement definitions
Create three Measurement definitions that have distinct values for the Measurement Type property: Actual, Baseline, and Planned.
1 In the System Architect Explorer (browser), right-click the Definitions grouping and select New, or from the menu, select Dictionary > New Definition.
The dialog that appears lists all Definition types currently available (based on your settings through the Tools, Customize Method Support option)
2 Double-click Measurement. Name it, for example, “Expense Report Payment Processing Time”.
3 You are required to specify values for the Instance of Measurement Indicator and Captured at Point in Time properties to create the definition. Click Choices for each property, and drag-and-drop in a value; in this example, the PRM Measurement Indicator Payment Processing Time, and the Point in Time, 1QFY09. Toggle the Measurement Type of Actual.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Create a second Measurement definition, this time named “Expense Report Payment Processing Time - Baseline”. Specify the same exact PRM Measurement Indicator and Point in Time, but this time, toggle Baseline as the Measurement Type.
5 Create a third Measurement definition, this time named “Expense Report Payment Processing Time - Planned”. Specify the same exact PRM Measurement Indicator and Point in Time, but this time, toggle Planned as the Measurement Type.
Specify measurements for systems
1 If you have not already done so, create a System definition; for example, Payment System.
2 Open each of the three Measurement definitions created above. In each Measurement definition, go to the Application tab, and add a System (for example, Payment System) to the Applies to System property.
Generate OMB 300 reports
You can generate reports that show how your architecture is aligned with the FEA reference models, and copy and paste the contents of these reports into your OMB 300 submission.
1 Select Reports > iRMA Reports > PRM Report by System to generate to Word a report that lists Systems, and the parts of the PRM that they support.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select Reports, iRMA Reports, PRM Report by Reference Model to generate to Word a report that lists the PRM Reference Model, and shows the Systems that are aligned to each part of it.
See also
Using the Performance Reference Model